The origin of problem is UsbFile
from mjdev:libaums and UsbStorageProvider.
I try to extract video frame from uri.getPath() -> /document/usb1002:/GOPR04252.MP4
ImageUtils.getVideoThumbnail(documentUri.getPath(), size.x, size.y);
method from ImageUtils
public static Bitmap getVideoThumbnail(String path, int mMaxWidth, int mMaxHeight){
Bitmap.Config mDecodeConfig = Bitmap.Config.RGB_565;
ImageView.ScaleType mScaleType = ImageView.ScaleType.CENTER_CROP;
File bitmapFile = new File(path);
Bitmap bitmap = null;
if (!bitmapFile.exists() || !bitmapFile.isFile()) {
return bitmap;
But it return null. Why and how to fix it?? Is there any other way to solve this problem
Check commented getUsbPath
method call in UsbStorageProvider
//row.add(Document.COLUMN_PATH, getUsbPath(file));
How to implement getUsbPath(UsbFile) method that return path to that file?
Presumption, We can solve situation if we convert UsbFile
to File
or documentUri
to File
In sample words implimenting video thumbnail in AnExplorer for USB OTG
But it return null. Why
You are passing in a random string, one obtained by calling getPath()
on a Uri
that does not have the file
scheme. That is akin to calling getPath()
on a Uri
pointing to this Web page, then wondering why your hard drive does not have a file located at /questions/42783353/custom-provider-uri-to-path-or-usbfile-to-file-path
How to implement getUsbPath(UsbFile) method that return path to that file?
Follow the instructions in the documentation to copy the contents of that file to one that you control (e.g., getCacheDir()
Or, find some API that works with just an InputStream
, and hand it a UsbFileInputStream