I am facing an problem when I redirect to any HTML webresource.
I have added a HTML page as webresource name "new_My_ProductList" in solution.
I have created a button "Go To My Product" in Ribbon and set following function of JS file as command of it. It will open window.
function RedirectToLowStockList() {
window.open('WebResources/new_My_ProductList', '_blank', 'scrollbars=1,menubar=no,height=500,width=1000,resizable=1,toolbar=no,status=1');
Above function is working perfectly whenever URL is like: "https://mydomain.crm.dynamics.com/WebResources/new_My_ProductList"
But sometimes it generate wrong URL and show Error 404
Here is example of wrong URL:
1- https://mydomain.crm.dynamics.com/_root/WebResources/new_My_ProductList
2- https://mydomain.crm.dynamics.com/_form/WebResources/new_My_ProductList
We can see that there are 2 key word "_root" and "_form" automatically added in URL.
Can anybody please suggest me solution? If above way not appropriate, can anybody please suggest me appropriate solution?
Use the SDK function instead.
Xrm.Utility.openWebResource(webResourceName,webResourceData,width, height)