I am new to SoapUI tool. I am using SoapUI version 5.3.0 My Application have a couple of RESTful APIs. I am sending multiple request to a WebService in the form of a json request as below:
"createNew": "true"
The response from the WebService is as follows:
<StartDataExtractResult xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/AriaTechCore" xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
I am using a Groovy Script to generate a dynamic name for "targetDB" as follows:
def targetdb = ((context.expand('${#TestCase#TARGET_DB}') ?: 100) as Integer) + 1
log.info "Target db for current request : ${targetdb}"
context.testCase.setPropertyValue('TARGET_DB', targetdb.toString())
I have designed my Test data in such a way that passing the name of the 'targetdb' as "101" in the Request will result in creating 101 tag in the response. The Load Test is executing fine.
Now I want to add some assertions to each of the Load Test Responses to check if the StatusCode tag contains "1", StatusText tag contains "success" & RequestNumber tag contains the value of the variable "${#TestCase#TARGET_DB}" (sent in Request json) . To achieve that I wrote a Script Assertion as follows:
def groovyUtils = new com.eviware.soapui.support.GroovyUtils(context)
def holder = groovyUtils.getXmlHolder(messageExchange.responseContent)
holder.namespaces["ns1"] = "http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/AriaTechCore"
def nodeStatusCode = holder.getNodeValue("//ns1:StatusCode")
assert nodeStatusCode != null
{ log.info "Pass" }
{ log.info "Fail"}
def nodeStatusText = holder.getNodeValue("//ns1:StatusText")
assert nodeStatusText != null
{ log.info "Pass" }
{ log.info "Fail"}
def nodeRequestNumber = holder.getNodeValue("//ns1:RequestNumber")
assert nodeRequestNumber != null
{ log.info "Pass" }
{ log.info "Fail"}
But I am getting an error as:
No such Property: TARGET_DB for class: Script 53
Can anyone help me out please?
I have got an answer for this query from another forum. Here is the answer to the question:
We need to add another Groovy Script for the Property as follows:
String testString = '${#TestCase#TARGET_DB}'
testRunner.testCase.setPropertyValue( "databaseName", testString )
def getLocalPropValue = testRunner.testCase.getPropertyValue("databaseName")
testRunner.testCase.testSteps["Properties"].setPropertyValue( "databaseName", testString )
Finally we can have the Script Assertion as follows:
def groovyUtils = new com.eviware.soapui.support.GroovyUtils(context)
def holder = groovyUtils.getXmlHolder(messageExchange.responseContent)
holder.namespaces["ns1"] = "http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/AriaTechCore"
def nodeStatusCode = holder.getNodeValue("//ns1:StatusCode")
assert nodeStatusCode != null
{ log.info "Pass" }
else { log.info "Fail"}
def nodeStatusText = holder.getNodeValue("//ns1:StatusText")
assert nodeStatusText != null
if(nodeStatusText=="success") { log.info "Pass" }
{ log.info "Fail"}
def nodeRequestNumber = holder.getNodeValue("//ns1:RequestNumber")
assert nodeRequestNumber != null
if (nodeRequestNumber == context.expand('${#TestCase#TARGET_DB}'))
{ log.info "Pass" }
{ log.info "Fail"}
@Rao thanks a lot for your valuable suggestions & comments.