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How to get feedback from saga handler using NServiceBus Acceptance Testing


I have written a test that makes sure that the command that should start my saga effectively creates the saga and that it's handler code can be executed:

public async Task Can_Start_Saga_And_Execute_Handler()
    var result = await Scenario
        .WithEndpoint<Endpoint>(b => b.When(session =>
                return session.SendLocal(new SagaStarter());
        .Done(context => context.IsRequested)


Where Context is:

class Context : ScenarioContext
    public bool IsRequested { get; set; }


If I have a handler in my saga definition like so:

public async Task Handle(SagaStarter message, IMessageHandlerContext context)
    await StuffToDo();

How can I ensure that the IsRequested property, defined in Context, is set to true from within the saga?


  • I've found a solution, adding an extra message handler in the test like so:

    public class TestHandler : IHandleMessages<SagaStarter>
        private Context _testContext;
        public TestHandler(Context testContext)
            _testContext = testContext;
        public Task Handle(SagaStarter message, IMessageHandlerContext context)
            _testContext.IsRequested= true;
            return Task.CompletedTask;

    The Context parameter is inserted through Dependency Injection.