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C# Awesomium Web Control - automatically download and open files

I currently have an Awesomium Webvcontrol in my WinForms application. When I click a download link it prompts with a save file dialog.

I need it to download the file to a preset location and automatically open it. I am using the latest version of Awesomium.


using Awesomium.Windows.Forms;
using Awesomium.Core;

Has anyone an idea how to make the control point to a preset location?


  • I managed to figure a way around this. I added an method to the download event of webcore.

    Awesomium.Core.WebCore.Download += onDownload;

    The method looks like this.

    public static void onDownload(Object sender, DownloadEventArgs e)
        e.Handled = true;       
        using (WebClient Client = new WebClient())
                FileInfo file = new FileInfo("Your Path"); 
                //replace Your Path with the path you wish to save the file including filename and extension
                Client.DownloadFile(e.Url.ToString(), file.FullName);

    This now downloads and opens the file. In my case it was a .exe application.