Let say i have a object called,
scope.rec = {a: 2, b: 3, name: a,b};
And i split the "name" key like scope.x = scope.rec.name.split(",");
then scope.x will become an array.
Now i need to iterate over "scope.x" in the view and get the value associated with the matching property name on scope.rec
. I only want to iterate over the valid property names, so I will need to use a filter on scope.x
, but it is not working as I would expect.
Once I get the first part working, I will also need to add functionality to multiply the values of the scope.rec
properties together - in the example above, it is only 2 numbers (a,b), but it could be more than 2.
Below is the code that I tried.
scope.x =
scope.myFilter = function(y) {
if(!scope.rec.hasOwnProperty(y)) return false;
scope.ys = Number(scope.rec[y]);
return scope.ys;
<div ng-repeat="y in x | filter:myFilter">
<label for="{{y}}">{{y}}</label>
<input type="number" id="{{y}}" value={{ys}}>
<div><input id="calc" type="number" ng-model="calc()" disabled></div>
Now the ys
in the input is same for both inputs, and the calc()
function does not calculate the values correctly.
Appreciate your help in advance.
your filter (at least how you use it in your view) will receive an array with all elements, not just one. So you need to return a complete array
angular.module('myApp').filter('myFilter', function() {
return function(arrayOfYs, recFromScope) {
var filtered = [];
if(!recFromScope.hasOwnProperty(y)) return;
// if the value in the object is already a number, it is not necessary to use Number. If it is not the case, add it
return filtered;
and return the filtered data.
According to your view, you need to use angular filters.
for you input you should use this
<input type="number" id="{{y}}" value={{y}}>
although I would remove that id - ids needs to be unique and probably there are values repeated.
for your calc()
function you can use reduce to multiply them
$scope.calc = function(){
return $scope.filteredItems.reduce(function(prev, current) {
return prev * current;
}, 1);
and to get a reference to $scope.filteredItems
use this in your view
<div ng-repeat="y in (filteredItems = (x | filter:myFilter:rec))">