In my module's onBootstrap
function I have attached an anonymous function that is hooking into the dispatch.error
event (for logging purposes):
$eventManager->attach('dispatch.error', function($e) {
//Code here
I am now setting up Unit Tests and do not want the logging function to run on test requests.
How do I remove this anonymous function from the event manager?
From the documentation:
The method returns an instance of Zend\Stdlib\CallbackHandler; this value can later be passed to detach() if desired.
Scans all listeners, and detaches any that match $listener so that they will no longer be triggered.
I have therefore altered my attach
$logCallBack = $eventManager->attach('...
To what do I save the callback to so that I can remove it in my unit test?
I have added to the callback to the $_SERVER
global variable:
$logCallBack = $eventManager->attach(['dispatch.error', 'render.error'], function($e) {
$_SERVER['logCallBack'] = $logCallBack;
Then where I want to unregister them:
$callBacks = $_SERVER['logCallBack'];
if(!is_array($callBacks)) {
$callBacks = [$callBacks];
foreach($callBacks as $callback) {