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Creating resources dynamically/programmatically in Anylogic

Basically, I have the following problem: I have to model specialties of several hospitals in Anylogic, and analize what happens when one of more specialties are closed.

The problem is that the number of combinations of hospital-specialty is very high (around 1000), so i'm searching for a way to do it "dynamically/programmatically".

In other words, I'm searching for a way to create automatically a resourcePool (and a Schedule attached to it), without the need to create the resource in Anylogic MANUALLY. For example, something like this

//An arraylist of names of hospitals
for (String hospitalCode : hospitals) { 
  for(String specialtyCode : specialtiesCodes) {
      ResourcePool res = new ResourcePool();
      res.setName(hospitalCode + "_" + specialtyCode);
      Schedule schedule = new Schedule();

      //Set the type of the schedule along with other parameters. This will be used 
      //to set the capacity of the resourcePool res
      schedule.setParameters(type, capacity, ...); 

      res.attachSchedule(schedule); //Connects the schedule to the resource

      res.create() //Creates the resources in the Main panel of Anylogic

Furthermore, in this picture I have several specialties (they are modeled as resourcePool, because the capacity and the delay time are essential for the problem I have to model)

An example of the modeled problem

You can see that I have created a bunch of resourcePools and Schedules, but I have done this manually.

I have also tried to copy/paste some resourcePools, but there is no way to change the name of a resourcePool. I have also seen the Java API but I have not found a solution.


  • Method one:
    The easiest way is to use the Parameter variation experiment, and create a simple model where you only have to define the Parameter with the capacity of your resourcePool.
    that way you can run a lot of experiments in a row, and simultaneously.
    This demands, however, a model that can handle the variations between your combinations of hospital-specialty. Since i don't know every details of your problem i'm not sure it is possible. But I would try to use this method since this is usually way easier and faster.

    Method two:
    Another way and probably more along what you are trying.

    1. If you look under Advanced of your ResourcePool. You should see an option to select either: Single agent and Population of agents.
      Select Population of agents. this will change it into an array of resourcepools. Also select initial empty
    2. During start-up you can create the agent just as you want with the code:
      add_NameOfMyResourcepool( ... parameters ...)
    3. to use the resourcepool, you have to select which you want to use. This is done by changing the parameter Resource sets to a dynamic parameter and write: {{NameOfMyResourcepool.get(index_of_resource_you_want)}}