I have a working function that checks for any input with a specific class name, then runs a getJSON call for each input's value:
function getTopFeeds() {
if (jQuery('input.class-name').length > 0) {
var feedName = jQuery(this).val();
jQuery.getJSON("https://api.url/"+feedName).success(function(data) {
if (!(data)) {
var result = data.results[0];
if (result) {
// Here I create HTML list items to display API data
It works, but because it's asynchronous it's not returning in the order the inputs on the page. How can I modify my existing function so that the data is displayed in the same order of the inputs?
If you want to wait until they've all come back, you can keep the results in an array and remember how many results you've seen; when you've seen as many results as requests, you're done. See comments:
function getTopFeeds() {
if (jQuery('input.class-name').length > 0) {
// Get the inputs
var inputs = jQuery('input.class-name');
// Storage for the results
var results = [];
// Counter for # of responses we've seen
var counter = 0;
// Get them
inputs.each(function(index) {
var feedName = this.value;
jQuery.getJSON("https://api.url/" + feedName)
.done(function(data) {
// Got a response, save it or null if falsy (would that really happen?)
results[index] = data ? data.results[0] : null;
.fail(function() {
// Error response, use null as a flag
results[index] = null;
.always(function() {
// Called after `done` and `fail` -- see if we're done
if (++counter === inputs.length) {
// Yes, we're done -- use the results in `results`
// Note that there will be `null`s for any that
// didn't have data