I'm creating a Previous Page button. This is my button:
<%= link_to "Previous Page", titles_path(:page => @previous_page), class:"button big previous" %>
If page is 0, it should be disabled. My new button should be like this:
<%= link_to "Previous Page", titles_path(:page => @previous_page), class:"disabled button big previous" %>
I mean, I should use if-else in link_to, and according to the if-else my code should change class of my button.
How can I do that?
Use conditional as Tony suggested, but Tony's approach is a bit flawed because 0
is not false in Ruby. Try this
= link_to 'Previous Page', titles_path(page: @previous_page), class: "#{(@previous_page == '0') ? 'disabled' : ''} button big previous"
Hope that helps!