I'm trying to read 4 user inputs that can either be one digit, two digits, or a letter. I've tried using %c, but that can't contain any two digit numbers. I've also tried %d, but that reads all letters as 0. Is there anything that can cover all the bases?
Read a line and store it as a string. Then you can analyze what you got.
Simple example:
size_t n = 2;
char *str;
str = malloc (n + 1);
getline (&str, &n, stdin);
if (str[0]>='0'&& str[0]<='9')
if (str[1]>='0' && str[1]<='9')
printf("Two digits\n");
printf("One digit\n");
Note that this is very naive, and contains almost no error detection, but it gives an idea for how to do it.