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Using google closure compiler to parse javascript source

I would like to parse a given ES6 source file using the google closure compiler in order to build a custom 'object-oriented' representation of the program. This representation would include details of all the classes in the source file and the methods and variables contained within those classes. I have completed this task for Java programs where I used Antlr - once you have a suitable grammar you can register enter and exit listeners for any desired grammar rule (class declaration, method declaration, etc...) which made the implementation fairly straight forward. I would appreciate any help being able to parse JavaScript code using the google closure compiler in order to extract similar information about the source code.

So far I have the following code which will parse a given javascript source file:

Compiler compiler = new Compiler();
CompilerOptions options = new CompilerOptions();
Node root = new JsAst(SourceFile.fromCode(, file.content())).getAstRoot(compiler);
NodeTraversal.traverseEs6(compiler, root, new JavaScriptParsePass());

The JavaScriptParsePass class simply outputs the type and qualified name of every Node processed, it looks like the following:

public class JavaScriptParsePass extends AbstractPostOrderCallback implements CompilerPass {

    public void process(Node externs, Node root) {

    public void visit(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
        System.out.println(n.getType() + ": " + n.getQualifiedName());

Running this program on the input: class Model { constructor(properties) { = properties; }

Produces output:

38: Model
124: null
38: null
38: properties
83: null
42: this
40: null
38: properties
86: null
130: null
125: null
105: null
160: null
159: null
158: null
132: null`

I would appreciate an explanation of this output as the ordering and nulls do not make sense to me along with any general guidance on how to tackle the original problem.


  • The following code prints out all methods and classes in a given JavaScript program and outlines the basic method for analyzing JavaScript code using the Google Closure-Compiler's Java API, for more details see this post I wrote.

    First we need to extend the AbstractShallowCallback class which provides a way to iterate through the nodes in the parse tree. We provide an implementation for the visit method which will output the Node's value if it is a node we are interested in.

    public class JavaScriptAnalyzer extends AbstractShallowCallback {
        public void visit(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
            if (n.isClass()) {
            if (n.isMemberFunctionDef() || n.isGetterDef() || n.isSetterDef()) {
            if (n.isFunction()) {
            // there is more work required to detect all types of methods that
            // has been left out for brevity...

    Next we initialize a compiler and run our created JavaScript analyzer on a given JavaScript source file.

    public void parse(String jsFileContent, String jsName) throws Exception {
        Compiler compiler = new Compiler();
        CompilerOptions options = new CompilerOptions();
        Node root = new JsAst(SourceFile.fromCode(jsName, jsFileContent)).getAstRoot(compiler);
        JavaScriptAnalyzer jsListener = new JavaScriptAnalyzer();
        NodeTraversal.traverseEs6(compiler, root, jsListener);

    Running the above code on the following source file:

    class Polygon {
       constructor(height, width) {}
       logWidth() {}
       set width(value) {}
       get height(value) {}

    Produces the following output as expected:
