I am new to Java and been studying it. So I am having trouble to understand what are these and how it being processed by Java also why are we declaring these variables like that. I mean can you educate me on this?
Public abstract class ListItem {
protected Listitem leftLink = null;
protected Listitem rightLink = null;
protected Object value;
some code here
Thanks in advance!
Why declare a Class field which has the ClassName as variable type instead of a int, string... ?
Because the developer needs to. Sometimes, an instance of a class must reference another instance of the same class. A typical example is the LinkedList.
Consider a linked list as a sequence of nodes. Each node knows the next one to be linked. Here would be a naive implementation of a node:
class Node<T> {
private Node<T> next;
private T value;
Node(T value) {
this.value = value;
public T getValue() {
return value;
void setNext(Node<T> next) {
this.next = next;
As you can see, the class Node
contains a variable member of type Node
, to reference the next element of the linked list. Finally, a simplistic implementation of the linked list would be:
class LinkedList<T> {
private Node<T> first;
private Node<T> last;
private int length = 0;
public void add(T value) {
Node<T> node = new Node<T>(value);
if(length != 0) {
last = node;
else {
first = node;
last = node;
public Node<T> getFirst() {
return first;
When a new node is added to the collection, the previous last node references it and therefore, becomes the new last node.