So I was getting this error which trying to hit my Webservice
No endpoint mapping found for [SaajSoapMessage {}triggerFTARequest
My Endpoint class looks like
public class TriggerFtaEndPoint {
private static final String NAMESPACE_URL = "";
@PayloadRoot(localPart = "triggerFTARequest", namespace = NAMESPACE_URL)
public TriggerFTAResponse triggerFta(@RequestPayload TriggerFTARequest request, MessageContext messageContext) {
So before asking this question I tried going through the link
No endpoint mapping found when setting up Spring Web Service
But still I am not able to figure out my issue. Everthing seems to be in place but still unable to figure out the issue.
I got the issue. As per my current framework I had to declare the bean into springs-ws
file. I thought simple by annotating with with @Endpoint
will do the trick.