I'm having some problem with Primefaces p:cache component
This is example how its used on testpage/index.xhtml
<p:panel header="Testsite">
<p:cache region="testsite2"
<p:commandButton action="#{testBean.hello}" value="btn"
and this is back end bean
@ManagedBean(name = "testBean")
public class TestBean {
public void init() {
public void hello() {
public boolean isRenderedButton() {
return true;
So on first page hit init
and isRenderedButton
message are printed normally as expected. After that when I click on button I do expect to see hello
message printed, but that's not case here. Can anyone point me in right direction ?
According to Primefaces showcase for p:cache with buttons I was expecting this behavior.
Right now I am using Primefaces.DEFAULT_CHACHE_PROVIDER and later I will switch to ehcache.
I'm using PF 5.3, sun faces 2.2.12.
To answer myself (and maybe ill help someone), i was trying to create dynamic menu from database and i wanted to cache generated content with p:cache
component. But back then every menu item would call bean method which would redirect user to page and that was problem in first place.
So i had something like this:
<p:submenu label="Human resource">
<p:menuitem value="Search person" actionListener="#{bean.navigateUserToSearchPerson}"/>
I actually did not fix this problem (had no extra time to investigate problem), so i came up with idea to generate links for each menu item, so when user clicks on menu item, it would redirect him to new page. So now i don't have any AJAX calls in menu and caching works fine now. Code example:
<p:cache region="appUiCache" key="panelMenu#{user.id}#{user.defaultLanguage}">
<p:panelMenu id="sm" model="#{bean.menuModel}" stateful="true" />
Menu items are created dynamically from database:
DefaultMenuItem defaultMenuItem = new DefaultMenuItem(...);
defaultMenuItem.setUrl(item.getUrl()); <!-- This is new url part -->
This works fine now in production. Thanks.