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Using VisualSVN client without VisualSVNServer

Is it possible to connect the VisualSVN Visual Studio client to a non-VisualSVNServer SVN instance? All of the documentation I have been able to find is VisualSVN <=> VisualSVNServer.


  • Is it possible to connect the VisualSVN Visual Studio client to a non-VisualSVNServer SVN instance?


    • It is possible to connect VisualSVN plug-in to any Subversion server via HTTP(S), svn:// or svn+ssh://.

    • VisualSVN Server can be accessed by any Subversion client such as svn.exe, TortoiseSVN or any other HTTPS-capable Subversion clients.

      VisualSVN Server is a standard and pure Subversion server. It is based on open standards and does not try to introduce a proprietary version control system.