Search code examples

ng auto select value in angularjs

How i select auto select value if option is only one

<select class="perf-select" ng-model="viewProfileCtrl.neft.institution"
   ng-options="inst.institution.institution_id as for inst in viewProfileCtrl.perfiosAnalysisData.institutions"
   ng-change="viewProfileCtrl.setCurrNeftInsti(viewProfileCtrl.neft.institution, 'neftCredit')">
   <option value=""  selected>Select a Bank</option>

My Problem is if i have multiple option it ask to select option if it have only one it needs to automatically select and dispaly the value how i fix this


  • Try like this.

    var app = angular.module('anApp', []);
    app.controller('aCtrl', function($scope) {
      $scope.chooses = [{"key":"one","value":1},{"key":"Two","value":2},{"key":"Three","value":3}];
       $scope.chooses2 = [{"key":"one","value":1}];
      $scope.setDefault = function(){
        if($scope.chooses.length ==1)
          $scope.model = $scope.chooses[0].value;
        $scope.setDefault2 = function(){
        if($scope.chooses2.length ==1)
          $scope.model2 = $scope.chooses2[0].value;
    <script src=""></script>
    <div ng-app="anApp" ng-controller="aCtrl">
        <select ng-init="setDefault()" ng-model="model" ng-options="k.value as k.key for  k in chooses">
            <select ng-init="setDefault2()" ng-model="model2" ng-options="k.value as k.key for  k in chooses2">