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set a cookie domain in Scoop of 3 in java

I have a problem with the cookie domain I am using in and I would like to have it in a scoop of 3 so it would be So I have this:

    // Save siteminder cookie from a login succes and redirect to target application url
            log.debug("Certificate type: "+ s_certificateType );
            log.debug("Application Authentication Level: "+ s_authLevel );
            if ( s_certificateType.length() == 0 || s_certificateType.equals ("HARD") || ( s_certificateType.equals ("SOFT") && ( s_authLevel.equals("1") || s_authLevel.equals("2") ) ) ) {
                Cookie c_cookie = new Cookie ("SSOHUBSESSION", s_sessionToken );
                response.addCookie ( c_cookie );                
                log.debug("REDIRECT: "+ s_returnurl );
                Cookie[] a_cookies = request.getCookies();
                if (a_cookies != null) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < a_cookies.length; i++)
                        if (a_cookies[i].getName().equals("SSOHUBFED_OLD_SESSION") ) {
                            log.debug("Update the SSOHUBFED_OLD_SESSION with the new Session. ");
                            c_cookie = new Cookie("SSOHUBFED_OLD_SESSION", s_sessionToken);



Here I was thinking to just add in the end response.addCookie(".app."+c_cookie); I don't know maybe there is a way to get direcly the scoop of 3 or something!!! Does anyone have an idea of how I can Do that ? Thank you for your help.


  • I'm not sure I follow what you're trying to do in the code, but in SiteMinder (aka CA SSO) the cookie domain scope is defined in the Agent Configuration Object. Also there will be a request header called SM_SDOMAIN or SMSDOMAIN (underscore may or may not be present, also depends on ACO settings) that contains the exact cookie domain that SiteMinder is using, e.g.

    String smcookiedomain = request.getHeader("SM_SDOMAIN");

    Hope this helps!