I'm trying to deserialize a SetOfMembers list,and I want to take each Member object individually after deserializing in order to match the member name with a given String.
"Incompatible types librarby.Member cannot be converted to Member where Member is a type-variable. Member extends Object declared in class SetOfMembers"
The above error keeps appearing and I cannot make out the problem in my code.If you could explain to me what's wrong my code that'll be great. I used the @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") but that's not helpful either.Please help. Thankyou
My first guess would be that
class such as java.lang.reflect.Member
instead of your library.Member
and thus you have this error.So to fix this - check your imports section in the first tile.
If you really need both Member
classes in the same file, you can still use fully qualified names. I bet following code would work anyway.
for(library.Member mem : Serialization.deserializeMembers())