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Android MTP client opens a whole device and not a single interface

I have a composite USB gadget that I want to connect to an Android phone. It contains the following serial, MTP, and mass storage interfaces:

interface :: id : 0, name : CDC Abstract Control Model (ACM), alt 0 [0002h:0002h:0001h] CDC Control
interface :: id : 1, name : CDC ACM Data, alt 0 [000ah:0000h:0000h] CDC Data
interface :: id : 2, name : MTP, alt 0 [00ffh:00ffh:0000h] Vendor Specific
interface :: id : 3, name : Mass Storage, alt 0 [0008h:0006h:0050h] Mass Storage

My problem is in attempting to open both the serial and MTP interfaces. Here is my code:

private class SetupInterfacesRunnable implements Runnable
    public void run()
            usbManager = (UsbManager) getSystemService(Context.USB_SERVICE);
            usbConnection = usbManager.openDevice(usbDevice);

            interface :: id : 0, name : CDC Abstract Control Model (ACM), alt 0 [0002h:0002h:0001h] CDC Control
            interface :: id : 1, name : CDC ACM Data, alt 0 [000ah:0000h:0000h] CDC Data
            interface :: id : 2, name : MTP, alt 0 [00ffh:00ffh:0000h] Vendor Specific
            interface :: id : 3, name : Mass Storage, alt 0 [0008h:0006h:0050h] Mass Storage

            // Interface 1 on the composite usb device is cdc acm data.
            serialPort = UsbSerialDevice.createUsbSerialDevice(usbDevice, usbConnection, 1);
            if(serialPort != null)


                    // set the callback to catch serial data


                    // Serial port could not be opened, maybe an I/O error or it CDC driver was chosen it does not really fit
                    LoggerV2.e("Failed to open device serial port");
                // No driver for given device, even generic CDC driver could not be loaded
                LoggerV2.e("Failed to find driver for the serial device");

            // Interface 2 on the composite usb device is MTP. 
            MtpDevice mtpDevice = new MtpDevice(usbDevice);
            if (! {
                LoggerV2.e("Failed to obtain device mtp storage");


The serial implementation I am using (felHR85/UsbSerial) is able to open a single interface, however, I cannot see an easy way to implement the MTPDevice class in this manner.

It seems that the Android MTP API wants an entire device/connection to open when the open function is called.

native_open(mDevice.getDeviceName(), connection.getFileDescriptor());

API docs:

Source Code:

I cannot see a way to open only a single interface. Am I missing some trivial way of opening multiple interfaces on the same device using connections?


  • The short answer/workaround is to run the MTP responder on interface 0 and then open up the serial port after the MTP device.

    The longer answer is... After digging through the code a bit, I found where the native_open call filters through the follow source files:

      • android_mtp_MtpDevice.cpp
        • MtpDevice.cpp


    In MtpDevice.cpp, it seems that I would fail with the "endpoints not found\n" error message printed to the log as though it could not find the correct endpoints.

    For now I ended up working around this by reordering the interfaces with MTP first:

    interface :: id : 0, name : MTP, alt 0 [00ffh:00ffh:0000h] Vendor Specific
    interface :: id : 1, name : CDC Abstract Control Model (ACM), alt 0 [0002h:0002h:0001h] CDC Control
    interface :: id : 2, name : CDC ACM Data, alt 0 [000ah:0000h:0000h] CDC Data
    interface :: id : 3, name : Mass Storage, alt 0 [0008h:0006h:0050h] Mass Storage

    This allows me to first open the MTP device, then open the serial by interface:

    private class SetupInterfacesRunnable implements Runnable
        public void run()
                usbManager = (UsbManager) getSystemService(Context.USB_SERVICE);
                usbConnection = usbManager.openDevice(usbDevice);
                interface :: id : 0, name : MTP, alt 0 [00ffh:00ffh:0000h] Vendor Specific
                interface :: id : 1, name : CDC Abstract Control Model (ACM), alt 0 [0002h:0002h:0001h] CDC Control
                interface :: id : 2, name : CDC ACM Data, alt 0 [000ah:0000h:0000h] CDC Data
                interface :: id : 3, name : Mass Storage, alt 0 [0008h:0006h:0050h] Mass Storage
                // Interface 0 on the composite device is MTP
                MtpDevice mtpDevice = new MtpDevice(usbDevice);
                if (! {
                    LoggerV2.e("Failed to obtain radget mtp storage");
                    LoggerV2.i("Opened MTP storage: %s", mtpDevice.getDeviceName());
                    int[] storageIds = mtpDevice.getStorageIds();
                    if (storageIds == null) {
                        LoggerV2.i("No mtp storage id's found");
                     * scan each storage
                    for (int storageId : storageIds) {
                        LoggerV2.i("~~~~Storage id: %d~~~~", storageId);
                        scanObjectsInStorage(mtpDevice, storageId, 0, 0);
                // Interface 2 on the composite usb device is cdc acm data.
                serialPort = UsbSerialDevice.createUsbSerialDevice(usbDevice, usbConnection, 2);
                if(serialPort != null)
                        // set the callback to catch serial data
                        // Serial port could not be opened, maybe an I/O error or it CDC driver was chosen it does not really fit
                        LoggerV2.e("Failed to open device serial port");
                    // No driver for given device, even generic CDC driver could not be loaded
                    LoggerV2.e("Failed to find driver for serial device");