My JSON looks like the following
{ "resp":
[ [1, "things"]
, [2, "more things"]
, [3, "even more things"]
the problem is that I can't parse the JSON tuples into Elm tuples:
decodeThings : Decoder (List (Int, String))
decodeThings = field "resp" <| list <| map2 (,) int string
It compiles, but when ran, it throws
BadPayload "Expecting an Int at _.resp[2] but instead got [3, \"even more things\"]
For some reason it reads [3, "even more things"]
as only one thing and not as tuple in JSON format.
How can I parse my JSON into a List (Int, String)
You need a decoder which turns a javascript array of size two into an Elm tuple of size two. Here is an example decoder:
arrayAsTuple2 : Decoder a -> Decoder b -> Decoder (a, b)
arrayAsTuple2 a b =
index 0 a
|> andThen (\aVal -> index 1 b
|> andThen (\bVal -> Json.Decode.succeed (aVal, bVal)))
You can then amend your original example as follows:
decodeThings : Decoder (List (Int, String))
decodeThings = field "resp" <| list <| arrayAsTuple2 int string
(Note that my example decoder does not fail if there are more than two elements, but it should get you pointed in the right direction)