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laravel relationship one to many

before anything ,Highly appreciated in advance for help . i have two model user:

public function posts(){
return $this->hasMany('App\Post');}


public function user(){
return $this->belongsTo('App\user');}

my post have column "user_id" so every post have owner "user_id".

here is my question: i want to delete user but nothing happen to related post. right now i can do this ,but my problem is post_id column have id belongs to deleted user. i want to change that to "null" or "0".


  • You can do this with model events. Something like this on your User model.

    public static function boot() {
      static::deleting(function($user) {
        $user->posts()->update(['user_id' => null]);

    Also make sure the user_id field is nullable on the migration.