The code below uses promises to perform a user registration (Node/Express). I use Mailgun to validate the email address, returning a promise, and inside the promise it will throw an exception if the email address is not valid.
However, when the email address is invalid, and validate_email
throws its exception, the catch
block in
never catches the exception, and Node crashes. What am I doing wrong?
NodeJS v6.9.2; Express v4.15; Bluebird v3.4.7.
(ps I'm creating Bluebird OperationalErrors simply because I've tried custom Error types to throw/catch, and have not gotten it to work, I know I'm kludging it...)
const Promise = require('bluebird');'/register', function(req, res, next) {
console.log('registering... ', req.body);
var ret = {};
// exceptions thrown here do NOT get caught in catch()
return mail.validate_email(;
}).then(() => {
return db.create_customer(req.body);
}).then((customerId) => {
ret.status = true;
ret.customerId = customerId;
}).error((e)=> {
// I expected my validate_email exception
// to be caught here, but it isn't
console.error('/register got an error (108)', e);
error: 'unable to register'
}).catch(function(e) {
console.error('/register got an error (114)', e);
error: 'unknown internal error'
const Promise = require('bluebird');
var mailgun_validate = require('mailgun-validate-email')(<pubkey...>);
exports.validate_email = function(email) {
console.log('validate_email', email);
return Promise.delay(1500).then(()=> {
mailgun_validate(email, (err, result)=> {
console.log('-> cb', err, result);
if (err) throw err; // this gets thrown...
else if (result && result.is_valid === true) return true;
else throw errors.newOperationalError('invalid email address', {email:email});
const Promise = require('bluebird');
exports.newOperationalError = function(message, data) {
var e = new Promise.OperationalError(message);
for (i in data) {
e[i] = data[i];
return e;
You're having this issue because mailgun_validate
does not return a promise, thus breaking the promise error handling pattern you have.
You should promisify it in order for the then.then.then.catch
chain to work