Is there any possible way to run controller action with confirm form before it?
I'd like to ask user is he/she really sure to do following action. And after confirmation run this action. In other case just do nothing.
I already tried this code:
= form_tag( '#', onclick: "confirm('#{text}')", :controller => :payments, :action => :pay, :subscription_id => subscription_plan) do
= hidden_field_tag 'current_subscription',
.payment_button= image_submit_tag "/images/popup/payment/#{label_img}", :value => label.to_s, data: { disable_with: "Please wait..." }
And I'm interesting in is there any way to do it without JavaScript?
Yes there is way
.payment_button= image_submit_tag "/images/popup/payment/#{label_img}", :value => label.to_s, data: { confirm: 'Your confirm message', disable_with: "Please wait..." }
OR another way is
= form_tag( '#', onsubmit => "return confirm('Are you sure?');", :controller => :payments, :action => :pay, :subscription_id => subscription_plan) do