I have the following value '4.6144444444' in the database as BigDecimal
which conforms '04:36:51' in time pattern.
4.6144444444* 3600 0000 = 16611999.99984/1000 = 16611.99999984 seconds = 276.866666664 minutes.
This value 0.866666664*60 = 51.99999984 seconds also the total is '04:36:51.99999984'. Is there a way to cut the time value of '0.99999984' from '4.6144444444'?
Since I am adding up these values in the Jasper Report to calculate the sum.
0.1197222222 + 4.6144444444 + 0.7480555555 + 0.9475000000 = 6.4297222221 ==> 06:25:46 999 999 56
00:07:10 + 04:36:51 + 00:44:52 + 00:56:51 = 06:25:44
also there is two seconds difference in the result. Is there a way to manage that in Java or in Jasper?
def duration = rowTemp[7];
def durationMiliseconds = duration * 3600000;
def durationSeconds = durationMiliseconds/1000;
def durationMinutes = (durationSeconds/60).toString();
String[] durationMinutesSplitt = durationMinutes.split(".");
def secondsPart = Double.parseDouble("0." + durationMinutesSplitt[1]);
def secondWithMiliSeconds = secondsPart * 60;
In Jasper
In jasper I am rendering the vlaue as the following:
<textField isStretchWithOverflow="true" isBlankWhenNull="true">
<reportElement stretchType="RelativeToTallestObject" x="252" y="2" width="149" height="18" />
<box topPadding="2" leftPadding="2" bottomPadding="2" rightPadding="2"/>
<textElement textAlignment="Right" verticalAlignment="Middle">
<font size="8" isBold="true" pdfFontName="Helvetica-Bold"/>
<paragraph lineSpacing="Single"/>
<textFieldExpression><![CDATA[org.apache.commons.lang.time.DurationFormatUtils.formatDuration((long)$V{group1DurationStay}.doubleValue() * 3600000, "HH:mm:ss")]]></textFieldExpression>
So floats are difficult cause they are not precise, but well, floats. A nice explanation can be found on e.g. wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Floating-point_arithmetic.
In your case you would intuitively want to remove 0.99999984/3600=0.00027777773333333334
from the initial number, which gives 4.614166666666667
. But that will result in 51.000000000001364
(because of how floats work).
If you just care about the final result, then consider
def duration = rowTemp[7];
def durationSeconds = duration*3600;
def durationMinutes = (durationSeconds/60);
def secondsPart = durationMinutes - floor(durationMinutes)
def secondWithMiliSeconds = secondsPart * 60;
def secondWithoutMiliSeconds = floor(secondsPart * 60);
(Code is untested)