I am working on my senior project and we are using an embedded Apache Derby database. I am trying to query data from the the three tables below but having trouble.
|Customers |
| *Customer_ID |
| LastName |**
| FirstName |**
| PhoneNumber |
| Street |
| City |
| State |
| ZipCode |
| Note |
|Jobs |
| *Job_ID |
| Customer_ID |
| Address |
| Date |
|Invoices |
| *Job_ID |**
| Subtotal |
| TaxPercent |
| Total |**
| DateSent |**
| DateDue |**
| DatePaid |**
In the tables above, (**) refers to data that is needed to be be retrieved.
I believe that the query I have attached below should work but after executing, I get the an error message: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: Syntax error: Encountered "IN";
If anyone could help out, thanks!
SELECT Customer_ID,
, Job_ID
, LastName
, FirstName
, Total
, DateSent
, DateDue
, DatePaid
FROM Invoices
, Customers
WHERE Customer_ID in (
SELECT Customer_ID
WHERE Jobs.Job_ID in (
FROM Invoices
UPDATE: I switched to using MySQL for the application to see if that would solve the issue; it did not. I WAS able to get the following query to run in MySQL but I am still receiving errors when I execute the query from Java.
SELECT Customers.Customer_ID
FROM Jobs INNER JOIN Customers on Customers.Customer_ID = Jobs.Customer_ID
INNER JOIN Invoices on Jobs.Job_ID = Invoices.Job_ID;
What are the reasons that a query would run in MySQL but not in Java? Also selecting data from multiple tables without using INNER JOIN or IN works fine.
UPDATE2: I believe that I made a stupid mistake and did not leave a space between a keyword and an identifier. Thanks for the help!
I don't see anything wrong with your query, you can use JOIN instead of IN (it's faster in many cases)
SELECT j.Customer_ID,j.Job_ID,LastName,FirstName,Total, DateSent, DateDue,DatePaid
FROM Jobs as j inner join Customers as c on c.Curstomer_ID = j.CustomerID
inner join Invoices as i on j.Job_ID = i.Job_ID