Hey there, I was just messing about in jsFiddle and attempted to make a simple drag and drop. I did not bother with getting the offset etc so as soon as you click it centers around your mouse. On mouse down I return false which I thought would stop the elements kind of 'ghost' from appearing. It did not. I focus onto the body on mouse down just in case it was that but it did not help either.
So basically my question is, how can I stop elements being selected? You can find the fiddle here: http://jsfiddle.net/Wolfy87/HY2u4/
Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.
EDIT: I just tested it in safari and it is fine, so far it only seems to be firefox.
Fixed it. It turns out that I have to set the onmousedown and onselectstart functions. I assume this is the same as placing onmousedown='...'
in the tag. Anyway, it is fixed now. Just go to the fiddle page.
This is basically the code that fixed it.
$('div.draggable').attribute().onselectstart = function () {
return false;
$('div.draggable').attribute().onmousedown = function () {
return false;
It stops the default action of selecting the element as text in Firefox and IE.