Thank in advanced,
I was looking at creating a linked dropdown menu and found tutorial/code online
I have used this code twice to create lmsdropdown.php and clubdropdown.php. I am able to store the values from the lmsdropdown form is a session and echo them to clubdropdown (just for verification that values are present).
lmsdropdown is a php include within members.php and clubdropdown is an include in members2.php.
When I select a value on clubdropdown the page refreshes to populate the 2nd dropdown box and this results in my session data being cleared.
I am new to PHP/Javascript so the answer may be very obvious but this has had me stumped for a few days now. Any help would be very much appreciated.
Below is a merge of two snippets members2.php, that has taken the output of lmsdropdown and stored output in sessions. clubdropdown shows the java code and also the echo session statements
I am able to correctly echo the session data however the javascript seems to remove this when building dropdown 2.
members.php session data
$_SESSION['lms'] = $_POST['lms'];
$_SESSION['week'] = $_POST['week'];
if (!isset($_SESSION['usr_lvl']) or ($_SESSION['usr_lvl'] != 0)) {
header("Location: login.php");
clubdropdown output of session data
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>
function reload(form) {
var val = form.lge.options[form.lge.options.selectedIndex].value;
self.location = 'members-page2.php?lge=' + val;
$usr = $_SESSION['usr_id'];
@$lge=$_GET['lge']; // Use this line or below line if register_global is off
if(strlen($lge) > 0 and !is_numeric($lge)){ // to check if $lge is numeric data or not.
echo "Data Error";
$usr = $_SESSION['usr_id'];
echo "<br>Value of \$week = $week<br>Value of \$lms = $lms <br>Value of \$usr = $usr";
The image below shows the session variables outputted to clubdropdown that is included in members2.php clubdropdown with variables shown
This image shows the errors after a selection is made from th 1st dropdown. Error after list refresh
From some of the answers to similar questions on here I assume the error is because the post data is being overwritten/removed on refresh but I thought that's what the session was for?
Any input is greatly received thank you.
You are getting the values from $_POST
, which the second time you run the page is absent. You need to add an If(isset($_POST['lms'])){ $_SESSION['lms'] = $_POST['lms']; }
so that it is skipped if the $_POST
value isn't present.
Currently, your $_SESSION
variables are still there, but are being replaced with empty $_POST
I suspect you might be better off using an AJAX call to populate your dropdown list.