I am using Simple Injector as IoC container to inject my dependencies. Currently there are set of Master Data which I am relying on and the class which builds this Master data is marked as singleton to avoid frequent calls to DB.
But this puts me in trouble that I am unable to invalidate and object and fresh new data. Absolute time cache policy should be suffice my current need.
To introduce Caching I can think of below approaches
I am more tempted towards the option #3.
I would like to get an expert opinion on whether it would be the right approach to take and possible pitfalls other than the one mentioned in the above link.
You should not create your own custom lifestyle, because:
I would say that a decorator approach would yield the best results. Here the decorator should not hold the cache itself (because that would make it stateful and mutable, but instead delegate this to an external service, like MemCache
or perhaps something that is either bound to the request or the session.