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How to compare iterators content in unit test?

I have two java.util.Scanner objects. Scanner class implements Iterator<String>. I wanna compare scanners and have easy ability to see what lines are different.

Currently I use AssertJ soft assertions in this way

JUnitSoftAssertions softly = new JUnitSoftAssertions();
Scanner actual = ...
Scanner expected = ...

int i = 0;
while (actual.hasNext() && expected.hasNext()) {
  softly.assertThat("line %s", i++).isEqualTo(;

This code insn't perfect but whether is ability in AssertJ to do this in one assertion?

I see static IterableAssert<ELEMENT> assertThat(Iterator<? extends ELEMENT> actual) method in Assertions class but can't see appropriate check method in IterableAssert.


  • The docs say:



    So, you could create a custom Iterable that returns your scanners

    public class ScannerIterable implements Iterable<String> {
        private Scanner scanner;
        public ScanerIterable(Scanner scanner) {
            this.scanner = scanner;
        public Iterator<String> iterator() {
            return scanner;

    This could be made generic, so it could take in any kind of Iterator.