I tried to copy the image and paste them into MS word, but it didn't work.
I'm not sure if this is my problem, or the word's problem?
The images are at: https://cdn.rawgit.com/cqcn1991/Wind-Speed-Analysis/master/output_HTML/marham.html#5.3-Sectoral-Comaprison
The paste result (in MS Word), it's done by CTRL+C, CTRL+V:
I can only paste the text, not the image.
I experiment it with Medium and another web app. Medium works exactly like MS Word, while another is able to paste. I think the underlying problem may be that the image in Jupyter Notebook is too deep in divs? so it get escaped in Word?
As per the issue you raised on github: https://github.com/jupyter/notebook/issues/1496
I can get this to work if after copying from the notebook I do Ctrl+Alt+V (shortcut for paste-special) and then select either "bitmap" or "device independent bitmap" from the dialog that pops up