Is there anyway to just include a file from a relative path using JUCE? Between graphics, up and down button states, I have about 40 images and trying to create them through the ProJucer causes thousands of lines (over 20,00 in this particular situation) to be generated and embedded in my GUI component. This is causing huge performance issues in Xcode for me. Is it possible to just include the files via relative path and save all that embedded code? The .cpp is so large even GitHub says they are too large to display. Any help is greatly appreciated.
To use embedded images in your project, but not have them taking up space inside each component's .cpp
file as generated by the Projucer, do this instead:
When you save the Projucer project, the image data will be added to your project's BinaryData.h/cpp
file that's located in the JuceLibraryCode