I have table in mysql with 4 columns and 3 rows today. I have imported that data directly as a hive table.
the table test:
id name sal loc
1 sam 123 hyd
2 ram 234 teb
3 red 456 qer
Now I want to add a new column to the existing mysql table and add a new row with values for all the 5 columns. the values for the new column for previous rows will be null.
the table test:
id name sal loc zip
1 sam 123 hyd null
2 ram 234 teb null
3 red 456 qer null
4 Tim 567 CA 1245
When we do a sqoop incremental append I am getting values only for the old columns and the new row also shows up but for only old columns.
hive table after incremental append.
id name sal loc
1 sam 123 hyd
2 ram 234 teb
3 red 456 qer
4 Tim 567 CA
Now I want the hive table to be exact as the mysql table
Can we update the hive table while we run sqoop incremental appends? If yes
How can we do that?
If no what is the best solution for my use case
There is no state forward solution as your ddl changed use below steps.
1 You have to drop hive table and delete data from hdfs from below location "hive.metastore.warehouse.dir/table".
2 you can do directly from Sqoop import along below option to create the table again.