I am having various DXF files. I want to develop a web application that will render a DXF file. Also whenever user clicks a inside a room from UI, we need to perform certain tasks in a room.
To solve that, There are some DXF parsers available online in Node JS, but parser gives list of lines, arcs, layers etc.
The parser does not give what are different rooms and where they are residing. Because of that i am not able to detect on which room user has clicked and not able to make DXF as interactive.
Note: Rendering a DXF file is achieved through some online JS libs, but again Rendering library just renders a file and it does NOT know how many rooms or where they are?
In case any one has idea, please suggest.
Technology used: HTML, nodeJS, lib of JS to render and parse DXF
DXF files don't support the idea of a "room" or anything like that. The contents of the file are literally just lines and text and those lines could be anything: walls, plumbing, electrical, etc.
Your best bet would be to manually look at the DXF files and you decide what defines a room. I.e., Room 123 is bounded by the points (0,0), (50,0), (0, 50), and (50, 50).