I created a simple userform with 4 checkboxes and 1 textbox.
I want to be able to display sentences based on the checkbox that is clicked. if checkboxSwimming pool is check, i want to display this string: The caller mentioned about Swimming Pool.
if checkbox swimmingpool and checkbox balcony is check, i want to display this string.
The caller mentioned about Swimming Pool. The caller mentioned about Balcony.
and son on.
here's my code so far:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
'If chkPool.Value = True Then
'txtComment.Text = "The caller asked about Swimming Pool."
'ElseIf chkBalcony.Value = True Then
'txtComment.Text = "The caller asked about Balcony and Patio."
'End If
Select Case test_test
Case chkPool.Value = True
txtComment.Text = "The caller asked about Swimming Pool."
Case chkPool.Value = True & chkBalcony.Value = True
txtComment.Text = "The caller asked about Swimming Pool."
txtComment.Text = "The caller asked about balcony."
End Select
End Sub
Is this what you are looking for?
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
txtComment.Text = ""
If chkPool.Value = True Then
txtComment.Text = txtComment.Text & "The caller asked about Swimming Pool." & Chr(10)
End If
If chkBalcony.Value = True Then
txtComment.Text = txtComment.Text & "The caller asked about Balcony and Patio." & Chr(10)
End If
'... add more IF clauses for the other check boxes here...
End Sub
Just make sure that the text box is MultiLine = True