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Keytool Signing Problem: Keystore was tampered with, or password was incorrect

I am trying to sign the release version of my Android app (debug was signed fine) for the Google Maps API:

keytool -list -alias cancertrials -keystore /Users/syalam/Documents/workspace/Cancer_Trials/keys/release -storepass android -keypass cancertrials

But I get the error: Keystore was tampered with, or password was incorrect

I am positive the password is correct, because when I try to export my app in Eclipse, it asks for the keystore and the password, and I am entering it in correctly.

Not sure why I can't sign this? I need to display Google Maps in release mode (working in debug mode).


  • I don't think you have to include a storepass when you're just doing a list. The storepass encrypts the private key which isn't displayed when doing a list. Just try this:

    keytool -list -keystore /Users/salam/Documents/yada/yada

    Then provide your keystore password when prompted. If that works then you can try just the keypass on the command line.

    You might also want to check and make sure your using the same version of Java. I don't think that's the problem, but if the above doesn't help try it out.