I faced up with problem to calculate exact 5 minutes from time. Here the scenario, from the server response I get dateTime
in format YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss
after that I show up local timer on page which counts 5 minutes after that time. I do it with momentjs.
var output = document.getElementById('out');
var fromCount = '2017-02-22 00:23:50';
var toMins = moment(fromCount).add(5, 'minutes');
var toMinsCount = setInterval(function(){
var now = moment();
var diff = moment(toMins - now).format('mm:ss');
// something more here
output.innerText = 'times up change fromCount data time';
output.innerText = 'change fromCount data time';
} else {
output.innerText = diff;
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/moment.js/2.17.1/moment.min.js"></script>
<div id="out"></div>
Everything works nice BUT, sometimes when I add 5 minutes to date counter starts count from 5:13
or bit higher, it occurs when for example data from count = '2017-02-22 00:30:50'
and now date = '2017-02-22 00:30:15'
. So how can I avoid this problem and show local counter exact 5:00
I need to count it from servers time because my counter depends on special event. And I should show for each user came to page same time from the moment server has catch. In local way each user will see it's own 5 min timer.
Ok, here the solution that fits my needs.
function count5min(value) {
$http.get('https://testfate.ru/time').then(function (resp) {
// getting dateTime fromServer
var realTime, toMins, diff;
realTime = moment(resp.data.time).valueOf();
diff = moment().valueOf() - realTime;
var beforeStart = moment(value);
toMins = moment(beforeStart).add(5, 'minutes');
var toMinsCount = setInterval(function () {
var now = moment().subtract(diff, 'milliseconds');
var difference = moment(toMins - now).format('mm:ss');
if (difference === '00:00') {
if (now > toMins) {
} else {
}, 1000);
}, function (err) {
So what I do is, getting time from server, found difference between local time and server time in ms, then in interval function subtract this difference from local time. Works like a charm for me. My friend suggest this idea to me.