I need some ideas on how I can best solve this problem.
I have a JBoss Seam application running on JBoss 4.3.3 What a small portion of this application does is generate an html and a pdf document based on an Open Office template.
The files that are generated I put inside /tmp/ on the filesystem. I have tried with System.getProperties("tmp.dir") and some other options, and they always return $JBOSS_HOME/bin I would like to choose the path $JBOSS_HOME/$DEPLOY/myEAR.ear/myWAR.war/WhateverLocationHere/
However, I don't know how I can programatically choose path without giving an absolute path, or setting $JBOSS_HOME and $DEPLOY.
Anybody know how I can do this?
The second question; I want to easily preview these generated files. Either through JavaScript, or whatever is the easiest way. However, JavaScript cannot access the filesystem on the server, so I cannot open the file through JavaScript.
Any easy solutions out there?
Not sure how you are generating your PDFs, but if possible, skip the disk IO all together, stash the PDF content in a byte[]
and flush it out to the user in a servlet setting the mime type to application/pdf
* that responds to a URL which is specified by a link in your client or dynamically set in a <div>
by javascript. You're probably taking the memory hit anyways, and in addition to skipping the IO, you don't have to worry about deleting the tmp files when you're done with the preview.
*****I think this is right. Need to look it up.