I am trying to make a Mac osX app bundle using jar-blunder on mac 10.6.6.
** I am using default ant task of NetBeans on windows to build the Jar file.(developing the project on windows). then transfer the jar file to mac osX to create the App bundle.
When I working with swing jar packages, The jar-blunder working fine and collecting the main class as usual but when i working with a javaFX jar, The jar-blunder not collecting the main class from the jar file.
What is the solution?
I do not want to use oracle's AppBundler because it using JavaAppLauncher instead of JavaApplicationStub which resulting the app lunching failure on java 1.6
Thank you.
Here is the Solution. A universal JavaApplicationStub which supports java 1.6 and upwards. https://github.com/tofi86/universalJavaApplicationStub