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RX Java - Retry some code that throws exception

I'm trying to use RX Java to consume some data coming from a source that keeps sending objects.

I'm wondering how to implement a retry policy for cases in which my own code throws an exception. For example a network exception should trigger a retry with exponential backoff policy.

Some code :
                     //do something after mapping

processMessage(message) is the method which contains the risky code that might fail and its the part of code that I want to retry but I dont want to stop the observable from consuming data from the source.

Any thoughts on this?


  • message
        .retryWhen(errors -> errors.flatMap(error -> {  
            if (error instanceof IOException) {
              return Observable.just(null);
            // For anything else, don't retry
            return Observable.error(error);
             error -> System.out.println("Error!")

    or catch the error
               .onErrorReturn(error -> "Empty result")

    or procses the error

        .doOnError(throwable -> Log.e(TAG, "Throwable " + throwable.getMessage()))
             error -> System.out.println("Error!")

    Untested, but retryWhen differs to repeatWhen that is not only called in onComplete. -> Each error is flatmapped so that we can either return onNext(null) (to trigger a resubscription) or onError(error) (to avoid resubscription).

    Backoff Policy:

    source.retryWhen(errors ->  
        .zipWith(Observable.range(1, 3), (n, i) -> i)
        .flatMap(retryCount -> Observable.timer((long) Math.pow(5, retryCount), TimeUnit.SECONDS))

    flatMap + timer is preferable over delay in this case because it lets us modify the delay by the number of retries. The above retries three times and delays each retry by 5 ^ retryCount, giving you exponential backoff with just a handful of operators!