I've got a 'dashboard' with several charts on it. One of them is a pie chart with a number of series.
LiveCharts has a DataClick event
DataClick(object sender, ChartPoint chartPoint)
is of type PieSlice
. How can i access SeriesCollection
from that event or, alternatively, chart name / id?
What I am trying to achieve is access chart that sent the event, then it's series collection and check which of the series / pie slice fired the event.
First and foremost, don't use events
, use commands
- that's the MVVM way. i.e.
<LiveCharts:PieChart DataClickCommand="{Binding DrillDownCommand}" Series="{Binding MySeries}" ...>
Note the binding to MySeries
public SeriesCollection MySeries
var seriesCollection = new SeriesCollection(mapper);
seriesCollection.Add(new PieSeries()
Title = "My display name",
Values = new ChartValues<YourObjectHere>(new[] { anInstanceOfYourObjectHere })
return seriesCollection;
And about handling the command:
public ICommand DrillDownCommand
return new RelayCommand<ChartPoint>(this.OnDrillDownCommand);
private void OnDrillDownCommand(ChartPoint chartPoint)
// access the chartPoint.Instance (Cast it to YourObjectHere and access its properties)