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Error LNK2005 in C++ and ifndef don't work

I have a problem with Visual Studio 2012 & 2015 about the fact than it's seem than the "ifndef" don't work. I use the "ifndef" for "NAN" and "ifndef" for the header file and it's said these 2 errors (see the image). When I add the link "#include"Outil.h"" in the header of other file, I see the same message of error.

I always do like this before and it's always work. I don’t understand why it's doesn't work now even with only two files.

I also try to change the name of the first function "realoc_ungraded" but it's doesn't work and I get the same error.

Message of error

The message:

1) Warning: C4005: 'NAN': macro redefinition of math.h

2) Error: LNK2005: "struct tab_dynamo __cdecl realoc_ugraded(struct tab_dynamo,unsigned int)" (?realoc_ugraded@@YA?AUtab_dynamo@@U1@I@Z) already defined in main.obj Project1

3) Error: LNK1169: one or more multiply defined symbols found Projet

There is the code of the different file:

File main.cpp


int main(void) {

    return 0;

File Outil.h



//NAN not defined in Visual Studio 2012, so I use the def. of VS 2015
#ifndef NAN
#define NAN ((float)(std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity*0.0F))

using namespace std;


#define ERROR_ADRESSE   0xcccccccc //default when not initialised


typedef double type_data; //the type for calculation


/*Struct for my array*/
typedef struct {
    type_data *tab;
    unsigned int length;


template<typename T>
bool verify_ptr(const T *ptr) {
    return (ptr == NULL || ptr == (T*)(ERROR_ADRESSE));


template<typename T>
void see_tab(const T *tab, const unsigned int taille) {
    unsigned int i;
    cout << endl << endl;
    if (verify_ptr(tab) == false && taille > 0) {
        cout << endl;
        for (i = 0; i<taille; ++i) {
            cout << tab[i] << "\t";
    cout << endl << endl;


template<typename T>
T* realoc_ungraded(const T* original_tab, unsigned int *length, const unsigned int new_length) {
    T* new_tab = NULL;
    unsigned int precedent_length = 0, i;

    /*1) Exception case to directly exit*/
    if (new_length == 0) {
        return NULL;

    /*2) Verification of the ptr of the length*/
    if (verify_ptr(length)) {
        length = (unsigned int*)calloc(1, sizeof(unsigned int));

    precedent_length = *length;
    *length = new_length;

    /*4) Creation of the new tab.*/
    new_tab = (T*)calloc(*length, sizeof(T));

    /*5) To transfert data of the original tab to the new tab*/
    if (precedent_length != 0 && verify_ptr(original_tab) == false) {
        for (i = 0; i < precedent_length && i < new_length; ++i) {
            new_tab[i] = original_tab[i];
    return new_tab;


//Version with the use of the struct "tab_dynamo"
tab_dynamo realoc_ungraded(tab_dynamo original_tab, const unsigned int new_length) {
    tab_dynamo tableau = { NULL, 0 }; = realoc_ugraded(, &original_tab.length, new_length);
    tableau.length = new_length;
    return tableau;


File Outil.cpp:



  • #ifndef NAN
    #define NAN ((float)(std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity*0.0F))

    When preprocessor process these, the NAN is defined because it's not defined yet.


    Then cmath maybe include math.h, and found NAN is defined by yours.

    You can try to change the sequence of include and your definition.

    #include <cmath>
    #ifndef NAN
    #define NAN ((float)(std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity*0.0F))

    B.T.W If you compile using gcc, you could use -E option to see the output of preprocessor and know how the preprocess expand the macros.