Can some one help me converting this script to C# I am still very much a begiiner and learning in C#. The script uses OpenCurrentDatabase to open (and keep open) an Access .mdb file, I must use this method and the code as it is but converted to C#, any help would be very much appreciated.
I’m using notepad to edit the cs file and csc.exe to compile it (I don’t have any other C# tools).
dim fso
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
dim filePath
filePath = fso.GetParentFolderName(WScript.ScriptFullName)
filePath = filePath & "\test.mdb"
'WScript.Echo filePath
If (fso.FileExists(filePath)) Then
dim appAccess
set appAccess = createObject("Access.Application")
appAccess.visible = true
appAccess.UserControl = true 'To leave the application open after the script completes you need to set the UserControl property to true.
appAccess.OpenCurrentDatabase filePath, True, "mypassword"
WScript.Echo "File doesn’t exist"
End If
If you have your VBScript saved somewhere you can call it from within C# with
If you just need to open a connection to the database:
// Declare the path to the database file
var filePath = @"Path\to\database.accdb";
// If statement using File.Exists()
if (File.Exists(filePath))
// Create new OleDbConnection object and call Open()
var conn = new OleDbConnection($"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source={filePath}");
// Write to the console if the file does not exist
Console.WriteLine("The file does not exist");
You will need to reference System.Data.OleDb
to use OleDbConnection
, and System.IO
for File.Exists()
Hope this helps