I'm trying to realize the following:
My class X has a generic Y. This generic Y however needs to access resources of X and I'd like to handle this via interfaces in order to allow someone else to inherit from a arbitrary chosen class.
My current approach however results in a loop of generics:
public interface X<y extends Y<x extends X<y extends...>>> {
Object getO();
public interface Y<x extends X<y extends Y<x extends ....>>> {
void doSomething();
What I want to realize:
public class Goal<x X<y (this class)> implements Y {
private final x minix;
public Goal(x minix) {
this.minix = minix;
public doSomething() {
How do I realize my goal without the common way of using an abstract class and the constructor implementation of the composition?
The generic type parameters of your interfaces depend on each other. To resolve the recursion you have to introduce a second type parameter for each interface:
interface X<A extends Y<A, B>, B extends X<A, B>> {
A getY(); //example
Object getO();
interface Y<A extends Y<A, B>, B extends X<A, B>> {
B getX(); //example
void doSomething();
Goal class:
public class Goal<B extends X<Goal<B>, B>> implements Y<Goal<B>, B> {
private final B minix;
public Goal(B minix) {
this.minix = minix;
public B getX() {
return minix;
public void doSomething() {