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Jibx unmarshal run time error: NoSuchMethodError

I read XML contant from file and pass xml stream to convert xml to object. I'm not sure why im getting below the error when i running the unmarshal in jibx runtime. I incuded jibx /lib/jibx-run.jar and /lib/xpp3.jar jar in to the project classpath.

Note: I have class in com.bbb.plugins.ccc.objects.Envelope but i don't have JiBX_abcd_binding_newi... methon in that class

still i'm not abale to undastand why jibx runtime looking someother methond

 ERROR  Problem while processing the message : 
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.bbb.plugins.ccc.objects.Envelope.JiBX_abcd_binding_newinstance_1_0(Lcom/bbb/plugins/ccc/objects/Envelope;Lorg/jibx/runtime/impl/UnmarshallingContext;)Lcom/bbb/plugins/ccc/objects/Envelope;
    at com.bbb.plugins.ccc.objects.JiBX_abcd_bindingEnvelope_access.unmarshal() ~[ccc-poller-schema-0.0.14.jar:na]
    at org.jibx.runtime.impl.UnmarshallingContext.unmarshalElement( ~[jibx-run-1.2.3.jar:1.2.3]
    at ~[main/:na]


  • Remove all duplication class load from the class path.