I've cached tiles in Geoserver and I need display map in my android application over OSMDroid. I've tried it with my web application with OpenLayers and works fine like this:
var map = new ol.Map({
target: 'map',
layers: [
new ol.layer.Tile({
source: new ol.source.XYZ({
url: 'http://localhost:8080/geoserver/gwc/service/tms/1.0.0/Bachelor%3Av_slovensko_group@EPSG%3A3857@png/{z}/{x}/{-y}.png'
So now I need display it in Android. I've created class for custom tile source:
public class GeoserverTileSource extends OnlineTileSourceBase {
public static String[] TILE_URL = {""};
public GeoserverTileSource(String aName, int aZoomMinLevel, int aZoomMaxLevel, int aTileSizePixels, String aImageFilenameEnding, String[] aBaseUrl) {
super(aName, aZoomMinLevel, aZoomMaxLevel, aTileSizePixels, aImageFilenameEnding, aBaseUrl);
public String getTileURLString(MapTile aTile) {
return TILE_URL[0] + "/" + aTile.getZoomLevel() + "/" + aTile.getX() + "/" + aTile.getY();
and here is my MainActivity class:
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Context ctx = getApplicationContext();
//important! set your user agent to prevent getting banned from the osm servers
Configuration.getInstance().load(ctx, PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(ctx));
MapView map = (MapView) findViewById(R.id.map);
GeoserverTileSource source = new GeoserverTileSource("geoserver", 10, 18, 256, ".png", GeoserverTileSource.TILE_URL);
public void onResume(){
Configuration.getInstance().load(this, PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this));
Geoserver log print this:
2017-03-04 14:29:20,451 ERROR [geowebcache.GeoWebCacheDispatcher] - null
2017-03-04 14:29:20,460 ERROR [geowebcache.GeoWebCacheDispatcher] - null
2017-03-04 14:29:20,460 ERROR [geowebcache.GeoWebCacheDispatcher] - null
2017-03-04 14:29:20,472 ERROR [geowebcache.GeoWebCacheDispatcher] - null
2017-03-04 14:29:20,473 ERROR [geowebcache.GeoWebCacheDispatcher] - null
2017-03-04 14:29:20,480 ERROR [geowebcache.GeoWebCacheDispatcher] - null
2017-03-04 14:29:20,480 ERROR [geowebcache.GeoWebCacheDispatcher] - null
after geoserver turn up geoserver debugging log: http://pastebin.com/wTw5ASDC
At first I've tried Mapnik tile source and it works ... but my not :/ Can you tell me what I do wrong? Thanks
EDIT: I've editted my funcition getTileURLString to this and still not works:
public String getTileURLString(MapTile aTile) {
return TILE_URL[0] + "/" + aTile.getZoomLevel() + "/" + aTile.getX() + "/" + aTile.getY() + ".png";
so I tried url from log file in brwser and I got this:
and when I tried url with ".png" on the end I got this:
android studio terminal print this:
W/OsmDroid: Problem downloading MapTile: /10/651/444 HTTP response:
W/OsmDroid: Problem downloading MapTile: /10/649/444 HTTP response:
W/OsmDroid: Problem downloading MapTile: /10/648/445 HTTP response:
W/OsmDroid: Problem downloading MapTile: /10/650/445 HTTP response:
W/OsmDroid: Problem downloading MapTile: /10/649/445 HTTP response:
Is possible the osmdroid call url with wrong parameters? Becouse as you can see on picture, structure names are little different, and they contains underscore.
GeoServer is saying it doesn't know how to handle a request like:
This is because you haven't specified an image format, so a URL like this should work: