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How to validate Vimeo video id?

I need to create a regular expression which could validate a valid Vimeo video.

Accordingly to Vimeo API they use only numbers for Video Id, but they do not specify the length.

My regular expression so far var regEx= /^[0-9]+$/;

I would like to know: - What is the allowed length supported by vimeo video id? - How to modify my regEx?

Only article I found:


  • Instead of trying to invent a Vimeo Video ID validator, why don't you just use the Vimeo developper API to check if the Vimeo ID is valid?

    | Http Status Code | Explanation                                      |
    | 200 Ok           |                                                  |
    | 403              | if the video does exist, but the view or the app |
    |                  | requesting the video resource does not have      |
    |                  | permission to access that video.                 |
    | 404 not found    | If the video cannot be found.                    |

    Check if you (1) or a user (2) owns a video:

    (1) GET{video_id}
    (2) GET{user_id}/videos/{video_id}
    | Http Status Code | Explanation                                          |
    | 200 Ok           |                                                      |
    | 404 not found    | If the video is not owned by the authenticated user. |