I am trying do clock animation using gsap. the thing is that my actual script is not precise. What i need is:
My actual solution not working because after some time its not stopping minute hand on 12 hour (probably its desynchronising itself because setInterval or setTimeout is not so accurate.
How i can solve this with proper solution. Maybe timeline inside timeline somehow?
Actual script:
var gsapClock = (function ($) {
var s;
return {
settings: {
$minuteHand: $('#minute-hand'),
$hourHand: $('#hour-hand'),
$buttonTop: $('#button-top')
init:function () {
s = this.settings;
bindUIActions: function () {
var tl = new TimelineMax();
function buttonPress(){
TweenMax.to(s.$buttonTop, .1, {
y: 4
TweenMax.to(s.$buttonTop, .1, {
y: 0,
delay: .1
TweenMax.to(s.$minuteHand, 2, {rotation: "360", repeat: -1, ease: Power0.easeNone, transformOrigin: '50% 100%'}),
TweenMax.to(s.$hourHand, 48, {rotation: "360", repeat: -1, ease: Power0.easeNone, transformOrigin: '0% 50%'})
function animationControll() {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 2000);
setInterval(function() {
}, 3500);
Here's how I'd probably do it (there are many ways):
var gsapClock = (function ($) {
var s;
return {
settings: {
$minuteHand: $('#minute-hand'),
$hourHand: $('#hour-hand'),
$buttonTop: $('#button-top')
init:function () {
s = this.settings;
bindUIActions: function () {
var tl = new TimelineMax();
//make it easier to play with the timing:
var durations = {press:0.1, minute:2, hour:48, pause:2};
//since we want to stop the hour hand motion each time the minute hand goes around, it's easiest to just put it in its own tween so we can pause()/resume(). This could easily be a timeline if you prefer.
var hour = TweenMax.to(s.$hourHand, durations.hour, {rotation: 360, repeat: -1, ease: Power0.easeNone, transformOrigin: '0% 50%'});
//put the button press into its own repeating timeline
var buttonPress = new TimelineMax({repeat:-1, repeatDelay:durations.minute - (durations.press * 2)});
//when the button is fully depressed, pause the "hour" tween. We do a repeat:1, yoyo:true as a simple way to make the button return to its original position rather than using two tweens (down, then up)
buttonPress.to(s.$buttonTop, durations.press, {y:4, repeat:1, yoyo:true, onRepeat:function() {hour.pause();}});
//the 2nd time the button is depressed, resume() the hour timeline.
buttonPress.to(s.$buttonTop, durations.press, {y:4, repeat:1, yoyo:true, onRepeat:function() {hour.resume();}}, durations.pause);
//main timeline - do the repeating minute hand animation that's repeated. Notice the repeatDelay is used for the appearance of pausing.
tl.to(s.$minuteHand, durations.minute, {rotation: "360", repeat: -1, repeatDelay:durations.pause, ease: Power0.easeNone, transformOrigin: '50% 100%'});
//nest the buttonPress timeline at exactly the right spot.
tl.add(buttonPress, durations.minute - durations.press);
Codepen: http://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/GWqddB?editors=0010
Is that the effect you were after?