I created a sequence and I want a table to make use of it. The creation of the sequence works fine. However, I when I try to alter the table in order to make use of the sequence, I get this error (in personInformationSequenceAlterTest
ORA-00940: invalid ALTER command
Please note I need to use Java (Eclipse IDE).
String personInformationSequenceTest =
"CREATE SEQUENCE seq_person "
+ "start with 1 "
+ "increment by 1 "
String personInformationSequenceAlterTest =
"alter table personInformationTest "
+ "alter column personId "
+ "set default nextval('seq_person')";
String personInformationSequenceOwnedTest =
"alter sequence seq_person owned by personInformationTest.personId";
Your alter statement has syntax problem.
Try this (assuming datatype is int for that column. Change accordingly):
alter table personInformationTest modify (personId int default seq_person.nextval);
This will only work in Oracle 12c and up.
For 11g or lower, you can use triggers. If you don't want to use triggers, you can explicitly use seq_person.nextval
in your inserts.
insert into personInformationTest (personId, . . .)
values (seq_person.nextval, . . .)