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Hive - getting the column names count of a table

How can I get the hive column count names using HQL? I know we can use the describe.tablename to get the names of columns. How do we get the count?


  • create table mytable(i int,str string,dt date, ai array<int>,strct struct<k:int,j:int>);

    select  count(*) 
    from    (select transform ('') 
                    using 'hive -e "desc mytable"' 
                    as col_name,data_type,comment
            ) t


    Some additional playing around:

    create table mytable (id int,first_name string,last_name string);
    insert into mytable values (1,'Dudu',null);
    select size(array(*)) from mytable limit 1;

    This is not bulletproof since not all combinations of columns types can be combined into an array.
    It also requires that the table will contain at least 1 row.

    Here is a more complex but also stronger solution (types versa), but also requires that the table will contain at least 1 row

    select size(str_to_map(val)) from (select transform (struct(*)) using 'sed -r "s/.(.*)./\1/' as val from mytable) t;